Melanie Degel

Research Director

Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieurin Energy and Environmental Management
The person

Melanie Degel joined the IZT in 2008 and has been Head of the "Energy, Climate & Infrastructure" research field since 2019.

She joined the Institute in 2008 as a research associate. She researches on the topics of energy, climate and air pollution control as well as in the area of integrated technology roadmaps.

In 2014/2015, she led the "Sustainability and Transformation" research cluster on an interim basis at the request of the then Scientific Director.

From 2013 to 2016, she led the challenging modelling project "VerNetzen". She quantified key socio-ecological factors in order to subsequently integrate them into an electricity market model that was previously purely technically and economically orientated.

Melanie Degel has been involved as chairperson of the works council since May 2011. She is also the Institute's Women's Representative.

She started her career at an energy technology company in the contracting sector.

She studied "Energy and Environmental Management" at the University of Flensburg and spent a semester abroad in Nuuk/Greenland.

She wrote her diploma thesis at the Competence Centre for Renewable Energies at Commerzbank in Hamburg on the topic of technical and economic analysis of innovative biogas utilisation technologies. At the green electricity trader LichtBlick in Hamburg, she investigated consumption profiles of major customers during her practical semester.


  • Energy and energy forecasts, emissions and emissions scenarios
  • Modelling and modelling
  • Service development
  • Acceptance research
  • Scenario technique (explorative/quantitative/normative)