Dr Edgar Göll

Senior Researcher

Dipl.-Sociologist | Administrative Scientist
The person

Dr Edgar Göll has been working as a Senior Researcher at the IZT since 2020. From 2014-2020 he was Co-Research Director of the Cluster "Futures Studies and Participation" and "Futures Studies and Transformation" at the IZT. Edgar Göll joined the IZT in 1995 as a research associate. His work focuses on futures studies, sustainable development, Local Agenda 21, governance, participation and globalisation. At the IZT he is responsible for the relationship and membership of the WFSF (World Future Studies Federation) and was involved in the preparation of the 24th WFSF World Conference ("The Openness of Futures").

In 2016, he was elected to the board of the Netzwerk Zukunftsforschung e.V.. He is a member of the Academic Board of the "European Journal for Futures Research" (Springer). In spring 2014, Dr Göll was a short-term lecturer at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. From 2007 to 2009, Dr Göll worked as a consultant and researcher at the Center for Future Studies (CFS), a staff unit of the Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) in Cairo, Egypt. His stay was organised by CIM (Frankfurt/M.) in the "Integrated Experts" programme. Dr Göll was awarded the Robert Jungk Research Fellowship 2011 by the City of Salzburg and the Robert Jungk Centre Salzburg. Since 2010, Dr Göll has also been a lecturer in the Master's programme "Futures Studies" at the Institut Futur of the FU Berlin in the field of "Politics/Governance".

He is a founding member of the "Berlin 21" association (and its predecessor bodies) and was an expert for the Berlin House of Representatives' enquiry commissions on sustainable development and Local Agenda 21. As a long-standing editor of the now defunct magazine "Zukünfte", he is still the contact person for the magazine's archive. Research stays have taken him to the Austrian Institute for Sustainable Development (ÖIN) in Vienna and to the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences ("Land Salzburg Research Fellowship").

He studied sociology, administrative sciences and social sciences at universities and colleges in Bielefeld, Madison/USA, Speyer, FU Berlin and completed his doctorate at the University of Göttingen. Before that he trained as a toolmaker.


  • Applied futurology
  • Governance
  • Future studies and foresight projects
  • Sustainability assessments
  • Social innovation
  • Politics/Governance
  • Society