Christine Henseling

Senior Researcher

The person

Seit Mai 2003 arbeitet Christine Henseling als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IZT. Derzeit ist sie Teil des Forschungsteams „Ressourcen, Wirtschaften & Resilienz“.

Her research focuses on sustainable consumption, sustainability in information and communication technology, civic engagement, methods of user integration.

From 1998 to 2003 she worked as a research assistant at the Öko-Institut Freiburg.

In 1998, she graduated with a Master of Arts in Cultural Studies from Lancaster University. Previously, she studied sociology, political science and law at the Free University of Berlin and Lancaster University (UK).


  • Governance
  • Social innovation
  • Acceptance research
  • Dialogues, discourses, stakeholder integration and stakeholder panel
  • Social science surveys and analyses, focus groups