The sustainability-oriented design of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) is a core task for a socio-ecological transformation of the economy and society. However, the necessary knowledge base and a strategic research and environmental policy framework are not yet sufficiently available. Against this background, the "Transformation Roadmap Digitalisation and Sustainability" project addresses existing research gaps, identifies previously unconsidered interactions between digitalisation and sustainability and develops knowledge relevant to decision-making and action for politics, business and society.

The project built on the ongoing discourse on the tense relationship between digitalisation and sustainability as well as the current body of knowledge in relevant subject areas. Central aspects of the environmental policy design of digitalisation were examined in depth in several lines of research. The high innovation dynamics of digitalisation and its rapid diffusion in the economy and society required new formats and a strategic orientation of research and scientific organisation. To this end, innovative approaches for collaborative research and exploration of new subject areas were developed as part of the project. At the heart of this was the targeted integration of a large number of relevant stakeholders and knowledge carriers into a dynamic research network. In this way, the project generated well-founded findings on existing issues and was able to pick up on current developments at the same time.

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