Quality assurance and control of greenhouse gas emissions
This project analysed the existing structures and processes for preparing emissions inventories, the requirements arising from international reporting obligations and the evaluation of international experience in implementing these requirements.
The R&D project began by analysing the existing structures and processes for the preparation of emissions inventories, the requirements arising from international reporting obligations and the evaluation of international experience in the implementation of these requirements. Based on this, a rough concept of a system for quality assurance and control of emissions data (QSE) in the National Emissions System (NaSE) was developed, which, in addition to the general procedures in the National System, took into account the technical procedures in the Central Emissions System (ZSE), the organisational procedures at the UBA and the procedures for data processing.
As part of an expert survey, the uncertainties were determined in accordance with the IPCC guidelines, the current quality status of the inventory data was documented and their deviation from the requirements was determined. Based on these deviations, the need for action was identified at both the organisational and data level in the form of an inventory improvement plan.
The Inventory Improvement Plan was implemented for UBA's own data sources and at the same time the organisational procedures developed for quality assurance and control were tested in practice. At the same time, an uncertainty assessment was carried out in accordance with the extended IPCC method (Tier 2). On the basis of this uncertainty determination, a new determination of the main source groups was carried out according to the extended IPCC method (Tier 2).
The procedures of the rough concept were revised and specified during the course of the project after their initial application and condensed into a detailed concept including a QA review for the QSE, taking into account the results of the other work steps. In the form of process descriptions and action-supporting checklists, these formed the quality management-related part of the manual for the National Emission System.
Project management
- Wolfram Jörß
Determination and introduction of methods for quality assurance and quality control for the German inventories of greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the requirements of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (CRC) and the requirements of the ECE Clean Air Convention
2002 to 2004
Grant/contracting authority
Project partner
Quality assurance and control of greenhouse gas emissions
2002 to 2004
Grant/contracting authority
Project management
- Wolfram Jörß