The Sino-German Environmental Partnership Phase II (SGEP) promotes the development and implementation of an effective environmental management system in China. The partnership aims to promote the transformation to a low-carbon economy through the exchange of experience and advice on various aspects of sustainability. The SGEP also supports the German Environment Agency (UBA) in the CCICED (China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development). Together with the World Economic Forum and the CAUPD (Chinese Academy for Urban Planning and Design), the UBA carried out a Special Policy Study (SPS) on the topic of "Major Green Technology Innovation and Realisation Mechanisms in the Context of Green Urbanisation". The main outcome of this collaboration was a joint chapter of a CCICED research report on digitalisation and sustainability.

Based on the concept, structure, research and analysis of relevant literature, the IZT developed a draft chapter on "The Innovation and impact of 4IR technologies, Digital technologies and New Infrastructure on the implementation of green technologies in the urban green transition", which was finalised in consultation with the UBA.