This project subjected selected energy transition measures to a qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The project was part of the comprehensive monitoring process with which the German government accompanied the energy transition. The first progress report on the energy transition was due in 2014.

With the energy concept for an environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable energy supply, the German government has developed a comprehensive strategy for the transition to a highly efficient energy system based on renewable energies in Germany. In recent years, a large number of both cross-sectoral and sector-specific measures have been introduced and existing instruments of German energy and climate policy have been adapted (laws and ordinances, instruments for the expansion of renewable energies, programmes for energy-efficient refurbishment, CO2 strategies in transport and funding programmes for energy research).

The energy transition measures database included a description of 152 energy transition measures. Each measure was described in terms of its significance for energy consumption and emissions, security of supply and electricity supply. The Excel database had filter and sorting functions for a targeted search and selection of measures.

These measures were also associated with expectations of economic effects - including reduced dependence on imports of conventional energy sources, increased resource and product efficiency, increased demand for innovative systems and rising export opportunities.

The "Evaluation of energy transition measures" project comprised the following work steps:

  • Identification of the measures or packages of measures that were central to the successful realisation of the energy transition;
  • Development of a catalogue of criteria to characterise the priority measures in terms of their potential for energy savings and emissions reduction, their cost efficiency, their overall economic impact, etc;
  • Development of a methodological concept for the separate evaluation of individual measures;
  • Cause-and-effect analysis on the achievement of objectives to date and the impact of the measures already implemented, as well as the preparation of projections on the long-term effects and cost burden of the individual instruments;
  • Identification of interactions between the measures and key levers that were essential for the success of the energy transition;
  • Assessment based on a consistent, quantitative model analysis of the extent to which the objectives of the energy concept could be achieved with the measures taken to date;
  • Identification of key problem areas and policy options for improving the implementation of the energy transition.