On a broad empirical basis, scientists developed options for the design and further development of institutions and instruments so that sustainability aspects could be taken into account even more strongly than before in political work and legislation in the future.

In the course of the second project phase, the IZT, in cooperation with the Environmental Policy Research Centre at Freie Universität (FFU), examined selected practical examples and approaches in greater depth. Based on this, proposals were developed on how sustainability policy in the German Bundestag could be consolidated, supported and further developed. Based on the project results, the client presented a publication. This is available for download.

Further information on the research project:

In the wake of the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio, a wide range of political and social activities were initiated worldwide. This has shown that the political perception and implementation of the sustainability goal is a challenge for the established procedures and the organisation of governments and parliaments based on the division of labour: long-term social development trends and the effects of political measures had to be identified and taken into account.

In the first project phase (see completed project "Overview of institutions and procedures of parliamentary sustainability policy"), a general overview and initial exemplary case analyses were carried out. The stocktaking took into account the legislatures of EU member states, selected non-European states and the German Länder. It was analysed how institutional innovations and learning processes were initiated in these parliaments.

In the course of the second project phase, the IZT, in cooperation with the FFU, analysed selected practical examples and approaches in greater depth. Building on this, proposals were developed on how sustainability policy in the German Bundestag could be consolidated, supported and further developed. In this way, perspectives for "RIO +20" have been analysed and clarified. Thomas Petermann and Maik Poetsch from TAB have produced a publication based on these analyses.

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