In line with the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Agreement to limit the greenhouse effect, the desire for one or more simple target parameters is also repeatedly expressed for the conservation of biodiversity. They should enable meaningful and at the same time easy-to-communicate targets to be set for biodiversity in Germany. However, in the context of the development of the monitoring framework for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, it also became clear that such indicators are extremely controversial at a global level.

There are already various international and national approaches from different disciplines that deal with biodiversity indicators. In order to be able to better assess the actual needs of different target groups for such simple parameters and the actual opportunities, limitations and risks, a targeted expert discussion is necessary.

To this end, the BfN will invite key German-speaking stakeholders as part of the "Future Workshop" format to discuss the needs and possibilities of such biodiversity indicators (in Germany).

The task of the IZT is to prepare a report on biodiversity parameters together with the Landscape Research Centre Dresden (LFZ). Furthermore, a concept for the future workshop will be developed in close co-operation with the BfN. The results will be summarised in a final documentation. A key component of this is research into parameters, indicators and indices relating to biodiversity as well as parameters from other disciplines.