Traditional trades in which grain is processed are the focus of the KORN-SCOUT joint project for vocational training: above all millers and brewers, bakers and confectioners are to be provided with innovative teaching-learning materials in initial and further training so that they are enabled to act more sustainably in their everyday working lives.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring that communication on sustainability between the individual stakeholders along the value chain leads to the development of grain expertise so that the stakeholders drive change towards sustainability and thus act as change agents. To this end, various innovative teaching and learning materials for future "grain scouts" were developed and tested for their effectiveness by the project partners together with the practice partners.

The central objectives were not limited to the scientific increase in knowledge, but refer to the improvement of vocational (and, if applicable, further) training, i.e. to the effect of the increase in knowledge in vocational training in the context of grain processing along the value chain. The educational materials developed in the project are made available as Open Educational Resources.

Practice partner:

  • Spielberger Mill GmbH
  • Meyermühle, Landshuter Kunstmühle C. A. Meyer's Nachf. AG
  • German Maltsters' Association e.V.
  • Schoppe Bräu GmbH
  • Brewery "Pinkus" Müller GmbH & Co. KG
  • Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing (VLB) e.V.
  • Bio Back Haus Leib GmbH
  • Berlin Bakers' Guild
  • Central Association of the German Bakery Trade e.V.
  • BBS1 Uelzen
  • Brillat-Savarin School (OSZ Gastgewerbe)
  • Mölln Vocational School Centre (BBZ Mölln)
  • Emil Fischer School (OSZ Nutrition and Food Technology)
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Special School