Immer mehr Lehrer:innen wollen ihren Schüler:innen nahe bringen, wie sie in Alltag und Beruf Ressourcen schonen können. Das IZT stellte daher im Projekt „LehrRess“ spezielle Materialien mit seinem Forschungspartner Faktor10 frei zum Download bereit, die das weite Thema ausgehend von den Lebenswelten der Lernenden behandeln – wie z. B. „Der ökologische Rucksack eines Handys“, „Coffee-to-go“ und „Geplante Obsoleszenz“. Das Vorhaben „LehrRess“ ist im Deutschen Ressourceneffizienzprogramm (ProgRess) gelistet. Es diente sowohl der Weiterbildung der Lehrkräfte als auch der Durchführung von Unterricht. Auftraggeber war das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz.

LehrRess aimed to develop teaching materials to promote (further) education in the area of resource conservation and resource efficiency. A BilRess study showed that while material and energy efficiency were strongly addressed in some training occupations, they were only addressed to a limited extent across the board. However, the question of resources, with special attention to the use of raw materials, is a central question for the future. Every use of raw materials is associated with enormous material and energy expenditures.

For example, it is estimated that the production of a smartphone alone requires between 50 and 100 kg of raw materials - even if the device weighs only 0.1 kg. In order to draw attention to this problem, teaching and learning materials were developed. All materials were designed for different fields of action and design, which at the same time serve to further educate the pedagogues. The BilRess network was operated within the framework of the Competence Centre for Resource Efficiency 2015 to 2019, which is based at the VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE).