Opportunities of digital administration
The IZT is investigating the innovation potential of a digital administration, particularly for the two innovation fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain/DLT.
According to various rankings, Germany is far below the European average in the digitisation of public administration. To counteract this lag, the IZT was commissioned to conduct a technology assessment. The institute analysed the innovation potential of a digital administration and included international good practice examples of sustainably successful administrative solutions. Finally, IZT developed three scenarios for public administration in Germany with a time horizon of 2030 and a focus on the innovation fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger and blockchain technologies (DLT, Blockchain). The Hertie School of Governance prepared two expert reports within this project.
Project management
- Jakob Kluge
Research field
Opportunities of digital administration
2019 until 2020
Grant/contracting authority
Opportunities of digital administration
2019 until 2020
Grant/contracting authority
Research field
Project management
- Jakob Kluge