Services are the driving force behind innovation, growth and employment. Here, too, companies with a high level of innovation activities are much better at holding their own in the market and gaining market share.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded innovative concepts, strategies and solutions for the successful development of the service economy in Germany as part of its service research programme.

The BMBF's 5th Services Conference "Success with Services - Innovations, Markets, Customers, Work" presented the latest research findings in Berlin on 10 and 11 December 2003. Around 550 participants from business and science took part in the conference. More than 100 speakers presented the latest research findings and practical solutions.
The conference was aimed at companies of all sizes, works and staff councils, associations, science and research. Companies and academics presented how they have achieved success in market and customer orientation with the results of their research. They gave an insight into their experiences with new methods for service development and the associated company and work processes. Future challenges and solutions for the successful development of the German service industry were discussed together.

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The conference proceedings have been published by Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag: Kreibich, Rolf/ Oertel, Britta: Erfolg mit Dienstleistungen. Innovationen, Märkte, Kunden, Arbeit Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart 2004 ISBN 3-7910-2307-1, EUR 49.95