This research project focussed on parliaments and their approach to sustainability policy. Both the new innovative procedures, instruments and forms of institutionalisation used by elected representatives to deal with the complex issue of sustainability in their working context were researched, both globally and specifically in EU countries. The IZT researchers paid particular attention to examples that could be transferred to Germany. They analysed these examples in greater depth in a second project phase. Building on this, they developed proposals on how to consolidate and develop sustainability policy in the German Bundestag. At the end of the project, an overview report was presented to the client, which is based at the Bundestag.

The project focussed on national parliaments. Exemplary case analyses were carried out. The aim was to work out how parliaments in other countries had initiated institutional innovations and learning processes. The overview report is the first part of the TA project "Sustainability and Parliaments", which aimed to analyse and clarify a parliament-related assessment and the prospects for "RIO +20" based on this.

The aim is to draw up an inventory of the institutions, bodies and procedures of the sustainability policy(ies) of national parliaments. The inventory should include the legislatures of the EU member states, selected non-European states and the German federal states.

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Julia Schubert