A total of 33 research projects were active in the BMBF programme "Environmentally and Socially Compatible Transformation of the Energy System" from 2013 to 2016. The BMBF funded a six-month follow-up programme with the project "Perspectives on citizen participation in the energy transition taking into account distribution issues - BuergEn". As part of this programme, the projects merged into nine sub-projects in order to further develop and consolidate their results and put them into practice.

The IZT worked together with the European University of Flensburg, the KWI Essen and the Fraunhofer ISE under the leadership of the Öko-Institut in the sub-project "Consideration of social factors in the development of electricity grids".

The IZT worked on the stabilisation of the approaches developed in the predecessor project "VerNetzen", with which social acceptance can be integrated into energy system models. An important focus was on the practical application of methods in wind expansion planning in municipalities.

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