The IZT organised two creative workshops on the future of sustainable work. The target group was youth and young adults on the one hand and professionals in the thematic field on the other. The first workshop was about empowering young people to actively and responsibly reflect on their professional future. Building on this, quality criteria for sustainable work with experts were developed in the follow-up workshop. The content of the workshop focused on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations and the work-related aspects anchored in it.

The overarching goals of this project in the medium term were in at least two dimensions. In cognitive terms, it was about the extensification and quality assurance of knowledge stocks for shaping the work-related aspects of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the German Sustainability Strategy. In terms of action, it was about empowering young people to actively and responsibly reflect on their future. To this end, the focus had to be on competence growth, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in the field of action of work.

More concrete and operationalised sub-goals:

  • Conceptualisation and operationalisation of the concept of "sustainable work"
  • Initiating reflection processes among younger people on the topic of "sustainable work"
  • Visionary starting points for strategies and development paths for the implementation of this mission statement with stakeholders
  • Development of quality criteria for the implementation of the vision