The science communication pursued with science outreach and marketing is relevant in two ways: On the one hand, it makes an important contribution to strengthening the scientific foundations at the IZT and in Berlin, as well as to the IZT's competitiveness within the national and international scientific community. On the other hand, it is also about making relevant results from the Institute's research and design projects accessible to a broad public and intensifying the transfer of knowledge and technology to business, politics, science and civil society.

New hybrid communication formats

Since spring 2020, we have been forced to find new ways to realise internal and external communication. When it comes to pure content delivery, the new digital and increasingly interactive formats and tools can make an important contribution. But if "social distancing" has taught us anything, it is the importance of face-to-face encounters - from small communication formats to large events and trade fairs. The aforementioned aspects should be incorporated into the development of a format suitable for science communication and marketing that functions both virtually, but at the same time allows as much presence as possible depending on the current pandemic regulations and can be closely linked to the Berlin Future Talks. The special aspects of presence communication must be intelligently linked with digital formats in order to ensure an efficient exchange between science and society, to make it correspondingly attractive and thus to reach people in the long term.

Berlin Future Talk 2021

The IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gemeinnützige GmbH (IZT) is continuing its experience with the flexible format of the "Berliner Zukunftsgespräche" (BZG) series and experimenting with different future-oriented and creative event formats. Particularly relevant and current topics are taken up and discussed and reflected on with experts and active citizens from a variety of perspectives and levels.

The Berliner Zukunftsgespräch 2021 took place in November 2023 under the title "Urban Resilience in Berlin and Brandenburg - Climate Futurological Perspectives". Dr Fritz Reusswig from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) gave the keynote speech.