Together with the Centre for Future Technologies of the Berlin Chamber of Crafts, scientists have developed a new training concept. The target group is master craftsmen, architects and engineers who are completing further training to become certified building energy consultants. At the same time, the project is aimed at the lecturers of this further training.

The newly developed multimedia learning materials were stored in a platform-independent repository. An innovative learning guide app supports the learners. The learning progress and the use of the materials are tracked by learning analytics. The results give the participants hints for the next learning steps. At the end of the project, a new smart learning concept for the skilled trades will be available.

The IZT was responsible for creating the digital media. Existing material was analysed and a media-didactic teaching-learning concept was designed based on it. The materials were structured analogue to a semantic network. Subsequently, the digital learning objects such as eBooks, screen casts, animations, knowledge tests, short videos or audio slide seminars were created. Qualifications for learners and teachers were offered to improve scientific literacy. The use of the learning objects and the Smart Learning concept was evaluated.

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