The project deals with the analysis, development and evaluation of input data and scenarios within the framework of the CAFE (Clean Air for Europe) process of the EU and the protocol review on international air pollution within the framework of the UN/ECE (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe).

The project focussed on reviewing the input data relating to Germany for the baseline scenarios calculated using the RAINS model for air pollution in Europe up to 2020 for the pollutants sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile hydrocarbons (NMVOC), ammonia (NH3) and particulate matter. The retrospective assumptions and scenarios for the emission-causing activities (e.g. fuel use, transport performance, industrial production), emission factors, the application of technical emission reduction options and other emission-relevant parameters as well as the modelled emissions had to be considered. Based on the baseline emission scenarios and the resulting modelled ecological impact on humans and ecosystems up to 2020, the EU Commission then derived the necessary measures to reduce emissions. The international allocation of such reduction commitments to European countries was also modelled with RAINS according to the principle of equal marginal costs. In this context, the validation of the German input data should help to promote political acceptance of the modelling and the derived requirements on the one hand and to achieve a fair distribution of the burden according to the above-mentioned criterion on the other.

In the second stage of the project, it was planned to use the RAINS model to model the effects of the stricter German implementation of international emission standards and to identify their ecological effects. The implementation of the RAINS model at the Federal Environment Agency played a major role here. Furthermore, an overview of relevant German strategies and measures in clean air policy was compiled in preparation for the UN/ECE report.