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1141 - 1150  from 1288
izt publication
Ecological evaluation of the telephone concepts Loewe AlphaTel E and Green Telephone
Case study as part of the EU project "Life cycle design", DG XII, "Environment and climate" programme (1995-1997)
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Köplin, David
Year of publication 1999
Life cycle design
A manual for small and medium sized enterprises
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Jasch, Christine; Peneda, Maria C.; Weenen, Hans van
Year of publication 1999
izt publication
Work without a future?
Impressions at the end of the century
Authors Pforte, Tobias; Rosin, Nicole
Year of publication 1999
izt publication
Do new media change reality?
Year of publication 1999
izt publication
ZeitSprung: Actions and results
A future project for Schleswig-Holstein
Year of publication 1999
Handbook on Technology Assessment
Year of publication 1999