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1161 - 1170  from 1288
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Elephant wedding?
The debate on transatlantic economic relations
Authors Göll, Edgar
Year of publication 1998
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Telematics transfer
Technology and knowledge transfer in the information sector - the examples of Berlin and London
Authors Floeting, Holger; Schulz, Beate
Year of publication 1998
Life cycle assessment of complex electronic products
Innovations and environmental relief potentials through life cycle analysis
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Kreibich, Rolf; Lundie, Sven; Pfitzner, Ralf; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 1998
State, Politics, Law and Administration in Germany and the European Union
Authors Sommer, Gerlinde; Westphalen, Raban
Year of publication 1998
izt publication
Globalisation and sustainability
On the chances of an effective environmental policy under the conditions of globalised economic relations
Authors Petschow, Ulrich
Year of publication 1998
izt publication
Politics and administration on the way to the transindustrial society
Authors Jann, Werner; König, Klaus; Landfried, Christine; Wordelmann, Peter; Böhret, Carl
Year of publication 1998
izt publication
Innovations in technology, science and society
Contributions to the Fifth International Engineering Congress of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Cologne on 26 and 27 May 1998.
Authors Fricke, Werner
Year of publication 1998
izt publication
Working world on the move
Trends, challenges, perspectives
Year of publication 1998
izt publication
Sustainable product and process development
Implementing AGENDA 21 in the company
Authors Bläsing, Jürgen P.
Year of publication 1998
Innovations for sustainability
Ecological aspects of information and communication technologies
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Hornschild, Kurt; Kreibich, Rolf; Pfitzner, Ralf
Year of publication 1998