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5G VICTORI - Deliverable 5.4 Business Plans, Exploitation Strategies and Project Impact Assessment
AuthorsBledow, Nona; Nolte, Roland; Ludwig, Katrin; Breuer, Henning ; Mesogiti, Ioann; Tzanakaki, Anna; Gutiérrez, Jesús
Year of publication2023
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5G VICTORI - Deliverable 3.7 5G VICTORI Use case assessment
VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials for Rail, energy and media Industries
AuthorsBledow, Nona; Nolte, Roland; Ludwig, Katrin; Burdack, Doreen; Ruhland, Matthias; Mesogoti, Ioanna; Glaser, Sven ; Nikaein, Navid
Year of publication2023
Substitution as a strategy to reduce the criticality of raw materials for environmental technologies - potential identification for second-best solutions
AuthorsBuchert, Matthias; Degreif, Stefanie; Bulach, Winfried; Schüler, Doris; Prakash, Siddharth; Möller, Martin; Köhler, Andreas; Behrendt, Siegfried; Nolte, Roland; Röben, Adrian
Year of publication2019
HERBIE - Guidelines, State of the Art and Integrated Assessment of Weed Control and Management for Railways
Assessment and Recommendations
AuthorsNolte, Roland; Behrendt, Siegfried; Magro, Maurizia; Pietras-Couffignal, Karolina
Year of publication2018
Study on Non-traction energy consumption and related CO2 emissions from the European railway sector - Final Report
AuthorsBergendorff, Mads; Nolte, Roland; Kamburow, Christian
Year of publication2012
Integrated Technology Roadmapping
A practical guide to the search for technological answers to social challenges and trends
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Diegner, Bernhard; Erdmann, Lorenz; Nolte, Roland
Year of publication2007
SYSKREIS joint project
Benefit-optimised system solutions for promoting the circular economy using the example of the office. Final report commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology.
AuthorsNolte, Roland; Wapler, Marion
Year of publication2001
Mobilisation for the local Agenda 21
Interim balance of the Project Agency for a Sustainable Berlin
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Fay, Cordula; Kreibich, Rolf; Nolte, Roland; Schwanz, Georg
Year of publication2001
Sustainable Development through European Structural Fund Programmes in Berlin
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Nolte, Roland; Sauerborn, Klaus
Year of publication2001
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Support for 'sustainable development' through European Structural Fund programmes in Berlin
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Nolte, Roland; Brickwell, D.; Orssich, I.
Year of publication1999