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Rare metals
Measures and concepts for the solution of the problem of conflict-aggravating raw material extraction - the example of coltan
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Kahlenborn, Walter; Feil, Moira; Dereje, Cornelia; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Delzeit, Ruth; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2007
Energy and living with energy - powerado materials for primary schools
Volume 1
Authors Scharp, Michael; Dinziol, Martin
Year of publication 2007
Rare metals
Measures and concepts to solve the problem of conflict-exacerbating raw material exploitation using the example of coltan
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Kahlenborn, Walter; Feil, Moira; Dereje, Cornelia; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Delzeit, Ruth; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2007
Bioenergy and geothermal energy - powerado materials for primary schools
Volume 5
Authors Scharp, Michael; Hartmann, Uwe
Year of publication 2007
izt publication
Sustainable development from the perspective of housing companies
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2006
izt publication
Strategic corporate development - business field of the future
Sustainable services
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2006
The future of building and living
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2005
izt publication
Sustainable Home Services in Germany
An Overview on Preconditions, Frameworks and Offers
Authors Jonuschat, Helga; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2005
Environmental Education. Renewable Energies for children and youth
Authors Scharp, Michael; Rathgeber, Meike; Schmidthals, Malte; Leonards, Stefan
Year of publication 2005
Environmental education Renewable energies for children and young people
Standpoint campaign, environmental education materials Renewable energies and new approaches to action
Authors Scharp, Michael; Rathgeber, Meike; Schmidthals, Malte; Schmidt, Manfred; Buchholz, Rüdiger; Leonards, Stefan
Year of publication 2005