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izt publication
Life cycle assessments for complex products - the example of colour TV sets
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Pfitzner, Ralf
Year of publication 1997
izt publication
Do the media make you sick?
Effects of the use of audiovisual media on the health of children and adolescents ; expert opinion commissioned by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
Authors Gaßner, Robert; Gebauer, Annette; Schulz, Beate
Year of publication 1997
Life cycle design
A manual for small and medium sized enterprises
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Jasch, Christine; Peneda, Maria C.; Weenen, Hans van
Year of publication 1997
Life cycle assessment with computer support
Product balance sheets and company balance sheets with the programme Umberto
Authors Schmidt, Mario; Häuslein, Andreas
Year of publication 1997
Virtural cities
The reinvention of the city in the age of global networking
Authors Maar, Christa; Rötzer, Florian
Year of publication 1997
izt publication
Beyond 2000
Futurology faces new challenges
Authors Kreibich, Rolf; Steinmüller, Karlheinz; Zöpel, Christoph
Year of publication 1997
izt publication
„Sustainable City “ – zukunftsfähige Städte
Authors Knoll, Michael; Kreibich, Rolf
Year of publication 1997
izt publication
Sustainable transport
New transport systems and telematic management
Authors Gaßner, Robert; Kreibich, Rolf; Nolte, Roland
Year of publication 1997
izt publication
Vision Logistics
Logistics of convertible production networks
Authors Dangelmaier, Wilhelm
Year of publication 1997