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izt publication
Traffic and environmental relief through telematics
Authors Nolte, Roland
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
EKOP - Lawn mower
Development of a disposal-friendly lawn mower and conditions for a logistics system for take-back and recycling
Authors Rogall, Holger; Seidemann, Thomas; Kreibich, Rolf; Behrendt, Siegfried
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
Multimedia in the Private Home. Basics, opportunities and challenges
Authors Gaßner, Robert; Kuom, Matthias; Schulz, Beate
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
The Future of the Information Society. Trends and design options
Authors Gaßner, Robert; Kuom, Matthias
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
Ecological comparison of vegetation control methods at Deutsche Bahn AG, taking into account cost calculations
Authors Atmatzidis, Ekaterina; Behrendt, Siegfried; Kreibich, Rolf; Seidemann, Thomas
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
Household waste, household-type waste and residues from incineration plants. State of affairs and perspectives for environmentally sound waste management
Authors Atmatzidis, Ekaterina; Behrendt, Siegfried; Kreibich, Rolf; Seidemann, Thomas
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
Wastewater from paper production. Prospects for an environmentally sound paper industry
Authors Atmatzidis, Ekaterina; Behrendt, Siegfried; Kreibich, Rolf
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
A future of telework. Towards a new urban planning concept?
Towards a new urban planning concept?
Authors van Reisen, F.; Tacken, M.
Year of publication 1995
Telematics in road traffic
Initiatives and design concepts
Authors Müller, Günter; Hohlweg, Georg
Year of publication 1995
izt publication
Parliaments and screening
A conference on the ethical and social problems arising from testing and screening for HIV and AIDS: the role of parliaments and the media
Authors Kennet, Wayland; Robinson, Paul
Year of publication 1995