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141 - 150  from 1286
What is it actually? Circular Economy
In: What Bits & Trees Connect. Shaping digitalisation sustainably
Implementation architecture of a digital-emancipatory Circular Economy
Authors Hofmann, Florian; Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie
Year of publication 2019
Green Economy
In: ABC of Global (Dis)Order. From "Anthropocene" to "Civil Society
Authors Hackfort, Sarah; Gottschlich, Daniela
Year of publication 2019
Digital culture of sharing - socio-ecological transformation potentials?
In: The Ecology of the Digital Society
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Henseling, Christine
Year of publication 2019
Closing material cycles
In: What Bits & Trees Have in Common - Shaping Digitisation Sustainably
Recycling in the age of digitalisation
Authors Bax, Verena; Handke, Volker
Year of publication 2019
izt publication
Modern slavery included. Blind spots of digitalisation
Authors Sühlmann-Faul, Felix; Rammler, Stephan
Year of publication 2018
Life cycle assessment of the sharing economy - sharing alone does little for the environment
Authors Scholl, Gerd; Behrendt, Siegfried; Gossen, Maike; Henseling, Christine; Ludmann, Sabrina; Pentzien, Jonas; Peuckert, Jan
Year of publication 2018
Digital self-measurement in lifestyle and medicine
A study on technology assessment
Authors Scheermesser, Mandy; Meidert, Ursula; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Prieur, Yvonne; Hegyi, Stefan; Becker, Heidrun
Year of publication 2018
1 13 14 15 16 17 129