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Manual Learning Companion WebApp, openStudio WebApp
Authors Scharp, Michael; Ludwig, Katrin; Woelk, Dominic; Merceron, Agathe; An, Truong-Sinh; Krauss, Christopher
Year of publication 2018
Climate protection in the school kitchen pays off - also financially
Research project explores savings potential
Authors Scharp, Michael; Eyrich, Ralph; Schmidthals, Malte
Year of publication 2018
Counselling and Documentation - My Appearance in Customer Talks
Materials for further training to become a building energy consultant (HWK)
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017
Inventory - photovoltaic system
Materials for further training to become a building energy consultant (HWK)
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017
Inventory - building management system
Materials for further training to become a building energy consultant (HWK)
Authors Scharp, Michael; Zöschinger, Julian
Year of publication 2017
Inventory - Solar cooling
Materials for further training to become a building energy consultant (HWK)
Authors Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017
izt publication
"The ecological rucksack of a mobile phone"
Further training and teaching materials on resource conservation and resource efficiency based on ProgRess II
Authors Wilhelm-Rechmann, Angelika; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017
izt publication
Sustainable raw material supply
Further training and teaching materials on resource conservation and resource efficiency based on ProgRess II
Authors Hackfort, Sarah K.; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017
"Coffee-to-go - a sin against the environment?"
Further training and teaching materials on resource conservation and resource efficiency based on ProgRess II
Authors Kunterding, Stefan; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2017