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Guide for Peer-to-Peer Sharing Platforms
Practical tips for the design of the business model with case studies
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Bröse, Iris; Henseling, Christine
Year of publication2016
Berlin Sustainability Profile
Using Berlin's potential and talents for sustainable development
Year of publication2016
Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics
Stability, Continuity, Innovation
AuthorsWohlgemuth, Volker; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank; Wittman, Jochen
Year of publication2016
Energy-efficient city" competition
Good examples of the implementation phase
AuthorsWagner, Hermann-Josef; Both, Petra von
Year of publication2016
Re-conceptualizing Orders in the MENA Region
The Analytical Framework of the MENARA Project
Year of publication2016
Insights, views, far-sightedness
Current perspectives in futurology
Year of publication2016
Course book 187. Changing the world
AuthorsNassehi, Armin; Felixberger, Peter
Year of publication2016
Energy-efficient city" competition
Volume 7: Services for the energy-efficient city
AuthorsCook, Marco K.; Jacobsen, Heike; Oertel , Britta
Year of publication2016