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Evaluation of the Rhineland-Palatinate Energy Agency
AuthorsOertel, Britta; van Elkan, Marco; Illge, Lydia; Degel, Melanie; Thomm, Michael
Year of publication2015
Impurities in Chalcopyrite Photovoltaics: Changing the perception from an absolute to a relative and cost efficiency perspective
AuthorsHinrichs, Volker; Handke, Volker; Köhler, Tristan; Chikhaoui, Liliana; Lux-Steiner, Martha C.
Year of publication2015
Integrated Roadmap III - Automation 2025+
Sustainable raw material supply. Industrial biotechnology
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Nolte, Roland; Röben, Adrian
Year of publication2015
A Roadmap of Resource Education as a key factor for implementation of Resource Preservation and Efficiency
Presentation, 13 October 2015
AuthorsBaedeker, Carolin; Rohn, Holger; Scharp, Michael; Bowry, Jaya; Hasselkuß, Marco; Schmitt, Martina
Year of publication2015
Thrust reversal. The future of mobility
AuthorsRammler, Stephan
Year of publication2015
Future Plan for Central Germany
Documentation of the workshop held on 17 June 2015 at the University of Leipzig/Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland
AuthorsOpielka, Michael
Year of publication2015
Social sustainability from a sociological perspective
AuthorsOpielka, Michael
Year of publication2015
Sufficiency mobility in urban areas - approaches and measures
AuthorsKorte, Friederike
Year of publication2015
Green Software, Analysis of potentials for optimizing software development and deployment for resource conservation
Subproject 3: Establishing and exploiting potentials for environmental protection in information and communication technology (Green IT)
AuthorsHilty, Lorenz M.; Lohmann, Wolfgang; Behrendt, Siegfried; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Fichter, Klaus; Hintemann, Ralph
Year of publication2015