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Algorithms in digital media and their influence on opinion forming
Final report on the TA project
Authors Oertel , BrittaDiego Dametto; Jakob Kluge; Jan Todt
Year of publication 2022
izt publication
LA-ICP-Mass Spectrometry of Impurities in Indium Feedstock Material and Their Influence on Cu(Inx,Ga(1-x))Se2. PV Device Performance
Authors Hinrichs, Volker; Handke, Volker; Chikhaoui, Lilianna; Lux-Steine, Martha Ch.
Year of publication 2014
izt publication
All electric society - will everything be electric in the future?
Authors Handke, Volker
Year of publication 2016
Sexuality in men's education work
In: Practical Handbook on Sexual Education in Adulthood
Authors Handke, Volker; Lenz, Hans-Joachim
Year of publication 2021
Future of sustainable bioeconomy
Awareness and perception of bioeconomy and biobased products
In: Futures of a Sustainable Bioeconomy. Communication and Participation in New Economies.
Starting points for consumer communication appropriate to the target group
Authors Zulawski, Monika; Thomas, Dirk
Year of publication 2022
1 3 4 5 6 7 129