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Sustainable Value Creation by Nordic Companies. Sustainable Value Research
AuthorsMüller, Frank; Barkemeyer, Ralf; Figge, Frank; Hahn, Tobias; Liesen, Andrea; McAnulla, Faye
Year of publication2012
izt publication
The EnerKey School Project - Materials on Energy and Climate Education
An Overview
AuthorsKuzmenko, Svetlana; Knoll, Michael; Rupp, Johannes
Year of publication2012
izt publication
EnerKey Impact Assessment
Results of Online-Survey
AuthorsKnoll, Michael; Rupp, Johannes; Mujakachi, Lynda
Year of publication2012
Investigation into the acceptance of electromobility as an actuator in the electricity grid
IZT on behalf of and in cooperation with B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, head of the accompanying research for the funding programme "ICT for electromobility"
AuthorsJonuschat, Helga; Wölk, Michaela; Handke, Volker
Year of publication2012
LBS Future Compass. Shaping communities - Generation-appropriate housing and living
AuthorsJonuschat, Helga; Henseling, Christine; Krink, Uwe
Year of publication2012
Local sustainability commitment of the business community in Germany
AuthorsIllge, Lydia; Müller, Frank; Nolting, Katrin
Year of publication2012
izt publication
Power struggles in paradise - With REDD+ between climate protection and land conflicts in Chiapas, Mexico
Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
AuthorsHackfort, Sarah K.
Year of publication2012
"Rio+20 on the ground - municipalities on the road to sustainability
Examples from Germany
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Nolting, Katrin
Year of publication2012