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Energy awareness services - scientific background and European best practice
AuthorsHuber, Andreas; Scharp, Michael; Martin, Ana
Year of publication2009
Resale culture on the internet
Opportunities for sustainable consumption
AuthorsHenseling, Christine; Blättel-Mink, Birgit; Clausen, Jens; Behrendt, Siegfried
Year of publication2009
Sustainable Value Creation by Chemical Companies
AuthorsLiesen, Andrea; Müller, Frank; Hahn, Tobias; Figge, Frank
Year of publication2009
The future of futurology. Ossip K. Flechtheim - 100 Years
AuthorsKreibich, Rolf
Year of publication2009
The Future of Local Agenda 21. Findings and Experiences in Berlin
AuthorsKreibich, Rolf
Year of publication2009
Ways to success, How the transfer of local sustainability projects succeeds
AuthorsJonuschat, Helga; Nolting, Katrin; Bottin, Katja; Reuter, Klaus; Pier, Eva
Year of publication2009
Sustainable Value in automotive production
An analysis of the sustainable performance of car manufacturers worldwide
AuthorsHahn, Tobias; Figge, Frank; Barkemeyer, Ralf; Liesen, Andrea
Year of publication2009