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Integrated Technology Roadmap Automation
2020+ Water and waste water
Authors Behrendt, Siegfried; Degel, Melanie; Kamburow, Christian; Mieritz, Tina; Nolte, Roland; Erdmann, Lorenz
Year of publication 2009
Raw materials for future technologies
Influence of industry-specific raw material demand in raw material-intensive future technologies on future raw material demand
Authors Angerer, Gerhard; Erdmann, Lorenz; Marscheider-Weidemann, Frank; Scharp, Michael; Lüllmann, Arne; Handke, Volker; Marwede, Max
Year of publication 2009
Solar support for schools
Using dormant photovoltaic plants for environmental communication
Authors Scharp, Michael; Dinziol, Martin; Kliche, Florian
Year of publication 2009
The Sustainable Value approach in small and medium-sized enterprises
Concepts and experiences from three case studies
Authors Müller, Frank; Liesen, Andrea; Marwede, Max; Handke, Volker; Hahn, Tobias; Figge, Frank
Year of publication 2009
What kind of future do we want?
Visions of how research and technology should change our lives; twelve scenarios and a methods excursus
Authors Gaßner, Robert; Steinmüller, Karlheinz
Year of publication 2009
Influence of RFID tags on waste disposal - Forecast of possible effects of a mass use of RFID tags in the consumer goods sector on the environment and waste disposal
Authors Erdmann, Lorenz; Hilty, Lorenz M.; Althaus, Hans-Jörg; Behrendt, Siegfried et al.
Year of publication 2009
Preparation of data from the emission declarations pursuant to the 11th BImSchV from 2004 for use in UNFCCC and UNECE reporting
Sub-report Stationary Internal Combustion Engines
Authors Degel, Melanie; Jörß, Wolfram
Year of publication 2009
Mobility moves school
The Lower Saxony Curriculum Mobility in School and Out-of-School Places of Learning
Authors Wiesmüller, Christian; Curdt, Ewin; Roselieb, Horst
Year of publication 2009
Controlling between shareholder value and stakeholder value
New requirements, concepts and instruments
Authors Schröder, Regina W.; Wall, Friederike
Year of publication 2009
1 65 66 67 68 69 129