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CO2 performance of German companies
A value-based analysis
Authors Hahn, Tobias; Figge, Frank; Liesen, Andrea
Year of publication 2008
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Institutions for a sustainable development-experiences from EU-countries
Authors Göll, Edgar; Thio, She Liong
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Living island in the desert - SEKEM
Authors Göll, Edgar
Year of publication 2008
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Ibn Khaldun, the first social scientist
Buried in Cairo
Authors Göll, Edgar
Year of publication 2008
Eco-efficient management pays off
Authors Figge, Frank; Hahn, Tobias; Liesen, Andrea
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Sustainable Investment Analysis with the Sustainable Value Approach
A Plea and a Methodology to Overcome the Instrumental Bias in Socially Responsible Investment Research
Authors Figge, Frank; Hahn, Tobias
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Experiments with renewable energies. Result report PE3
Authors Behringer, Rolf; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication 2008
Environmentally relevant metallic raw materials
Milestone report of work step 2.1 of the project "Material Efficiency and Resource Conservation" (MaRess)
Authors Wittmer, Dominic; Scharp, Michael; Bringezu, Stefan; Ritthoff, Michael; Erren, Martin; Lauwigi, Christoph; Giegrich, Jürgen
Year of publication 2008
Policy Paper "Forest Futures: Challenges for a sustainable forest policy in Germany"
Authors Schraml, Ulrich; Detten, Roderich von; Wurz, Antje; Schulz-Montag, Beate; Steinmüller, Karlheinz, Hirschfeld, Jesko; Ott, Konrad; Egan-Krieger, Tanja von; Brüggemann, Beate; Riehle, Rainer; Behrendt, Siegfried
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Energy, Renewable Energies, Energy Saving and Climate Change in Schools and Education - Results of the Expert Discussion.
Authors Scharp, Michael; Schmidthals, Malte; Mischek, Franziska
Year of publication 2008
1 69 70 71 72 73 129