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Energy Services in Europe. BewareE research project
AuthorsScharp, Michael
Year of publication2008
Cooperate - but how?
A guide to building cooperative relationships between Local Agenda 21 initiatives and actors from business and academia
AuthorsNolting, Katrin; Illge, Lydia; Bottin, Katja; Schäfer, Martina; Wemheuer, Christin
Year of publication2008
Delphi Report: The Future of Forest Use in Germany
Results of an expert survey on the development of forests, forestry and land use
AuthorsMickler, Tobias; Behrendt, Siegfried, Erdmann, Lorenz; Knoll, Michael; Rupp, Johannes; Schraml, Ulrich; Detten, Roderich von; Wurz, Antje
Year of publication2008
izt publication
Mission Statement Assessment. Normative orientation of forest and land use
Within the framework of the project Future and Visions Forest 2100. BMBF funding priority "Sustainable Forest Management".
AuthorsMarwede, Max; Erdmann, Lorenz; Behrendt, Siegfried
Year of publication2008
Improving raw material productivity and resource conservation
Sub-project 1: Identification of potential, proposals for measures and dialogue on resource conservation
AuthorsLemken, Thomas; Lucas, Rainer; Acosta, Jose; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Kaiser, Claudia; Krause, Melanie; Ritthoff, Michael; Scharp, Michael; Stürmer, Martin; Wilts, Henning
Year of publication2008
Futurology for social practice
AuthorsKreibich, Rolf
Year of publication2008
Making the university fit for the future
AuthorsKreibich, Rolf
Year of publication2008