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Online dialogue offerings by the Bundestag and the Federal Government
Quantitative and qualitative analyses
Authors Wölk, Michaela; Oertel, Britta; Oppermann, Jan; Scheermesser, Mandy
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Mobile Cities
Dynamics of global urban and transport development
Authors Schwedes, Oliver; Rammler, Stephan
Year of publication 2008
powerado: School projects renewable energies
More good examples of renewable energy in schools and projects
Authors Scharp, Michael; Tharan, Almuth; Behringer, Rolf
Year of publication 2008
izt publication
Methods of Future and Scenario Analysis
Overview, Assessment, and Selection Criteria
Authors Kosow, Hannah; Gaßner, Robert
Year of publication 2008
Methods of future and scenario analysis
Overview, evaluation and selection criteria
Authors Kosow, Hannah; Gaßner, Robert
Year of publication 2008
Knowledge Migrates. Knowledge Migrates
Migration and know-how. Potentials for Berlin
Year of publication 2008
Space for the future
On the innovative capacity of urban development and transport policy
Year of publication 2008
Future markets for building with wood
Holzwende 2020plus. Sustainable future markets for building with wood
Year of publication 2008
1 72 73 74 75 76 129