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Knowledge Migrates. Knowledge Migrates
Migration and know-how. Potentials for Berlin
Year of publication2008
Space for the future
On the innovative capacity of urban development and transport policy
Year of publication2008
Future markets for building with wood
Holzwende 2020plus. Sustainable future markets for building with wood
Year of publication2008
izt publication
Regional transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe
Contributions of the TRANSFOR(U)M network members
Year of publication2008
izt publication
Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
PervasiveHealth 2008
Year of publication2008
Tracing Mobilities
Towards a Cosmopolitan Perspective
Year of publication2008
izt publication
User Acceptance of Pervasive Computing in Healthcare
In: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
Main Findings of two Case Studies
AuthorsScheermesser, Mandy; Kosow, Hannah; Rashid, Asarnusch; Holtmann, Carsten
Year of publication2008