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R&D outsourcing - innovation opportunity or risk?
Explorative study of a new trend in the innovation and research system
AuthorsGaßner, Robert; with the collaboration of Richter, Matthias
Year of publication2007
Rare metals
Measures and concepts to solve the problem of conflict-exacerbating raw material exploitation using the example of coltan
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Kahlenborn, Walter; Feil, Moira; Dereje, Cornelia; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Delzeit, Ruth; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication2007
izt publication
Rare metals
Measures and concepts for the solution of the problem of conflict-aggravating raw material extraction - the example of coltan
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Kahlenborn, Walter; Feil, Moira; Dereje, Cornelia; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Delzeit, Ruth; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication2007
Integrated Technology Roadmapping
A practical guide to the search for technological answers to social challenges and trends
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Diegner, Bernhard; Erdmann, Lorenz; Nolte, Roland
Year of publication2007
Sustainable prosperity
The contribution of organic agriculture and food to quality of life and sustainable development
AuthorsSchäfer, Martina
Year of publication2007
"CSR manager job description"
AuthorsLenzen, Elmer; Fenlger, Jochen
Year of publication2007
Participation and sustainability
From mission statement to implementation
Year of publication2007
izt publication
Mobility and safety
Year of publication2007
The lifestyle trap
Climate change as an opportunity for a new attitude to life
Year of publication2007