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841 - 850  from 1292
Sustainable value creation by European companies
A value-based analysis of the environmental performance of European industrial companies
AuthorsHahn, Tobias; Hansberg, Burkart; Figge, Frank; Barkemeyer, Ralf; Daverio, Cristina; Savia, Roberto; Persson, Martin; König, Jakob; Brunczel, Balázs; Wihelm, Axel; Mauritz, Claudia
Year of publication2006
The ADVANCE Guide to Sustainable Value Calculations
A practitioner handbook on the application of the Sustainable Value approach
AuthorsFigge, Frank; Barkemeyer, Ralf; Hahn, Tobias; Liesen, Andrea
Year of publication2006
Integrated Technology Roadmap Automation 2015+
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Beißner, Florian; Doberstein, Daniel; Erdmann, Lorenz; Göll, Edgar; Nolte, Roland; Wehnert, Timon; Wölk, Michaela
Year of publication2006
The EurEnDel Scenarios - Europe's Energy System by 2030
AuthorsVelte, Daniela; López de Araguas, Juan Pedro; Nielsen, Oliver; Jörß, Wolfram; Wehnert, Timon
Year of publication2006
izt publication
Radio Frequency Identification
Introduction, trends, social implications
AuthorsKöster, Christian
Year of publication2006
Balancing and modelling of emission-relevant data on energy consumption in stationary sources
AuthorsJörß, Wolfram; Kamburow, Christian
Year of publication2006
The focus group method as an instrument in environmental and sustainability research
AuthorsHenseling, Christine; Hahn, Tobias; Nolting, Katrin
Year of publication2006