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851 - 860  from 1292
Sustainable housing
AuthorsBergner, Anke; Scharp, Michael; Spars, Guido
Year of publication2006
Integrated technology roadmapping to support sustainability-oriented innovation processes
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Erdmann, Lorenz
Year of publication2006
Scenario technique
Dealing with the future
Year of publication2006
Housing market development Germany
Trends, segments, instruments
Year of publication2006
Managing the Business Case for Sustainability
The Integration on Social, Environmental and Economic Performances
Year of publication2006
Future: Leisure: Science
Festschrift on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Univ. Prof. Dr. Horst W. Opaschowski
Year of publication2006
izt publication
Fantastic mobility
Science fiction, futurology and transportation design
Year of publication2006
Sustainable metals management
Securing our future - steps towards a closed loop economy
Year of publication2006