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Sustainability of information and communication technology
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried; Erdmann, Lorenz
Year of publication2004
Product-accompanying information systems based on smart labels
AuthorsBehrendt, Siegfried
Year of publication2004
izt publication
Telematics in municipal energy management
Strategies for tapping energy and cost reduction potentials
AuthorsWehnert, Timon; Jörss, Wolfram; Kreibich, Rolf
Year of publication2004
Energy saving and renewable energy sources in schools
Teaching suggestions and materials
AuthorsOswald, Hartmut; Rathgeber, Meike; Schmidthals, Malte; Scharp, Michael; Eschner, Jörg; Farabegoli, Macello
Year of publication2004
Risks and opportunities of the use of RFID systems
Trends and developments in technologies, applications and security
AuthorsOertel, Britta; Wölk, Michaela; Hilty, Lorenz M.; Köhler, Andreas; Kelter, Harald; Ullmann, Markus; Wittmann, Stefan
Year of publication2004
E-Paper - First assessment of the environmental impact
A life cycle assessment using the example of the news medium newspaper
AuthorsKamburow, Christian
Year of publication2004
Air Pollution Control 2020 - Modelling of Emissions
Examination of data and assumptions of the RAINS model for Germany in the context of the European Clean Air Policy (CAFE)
AuthorsJörß, Wolfram
Year of publication2004
Sustainability policy in EU countries
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Thio, She Liong
Year of publication2004
izt publication
Projects for a sustainable Berlin
Local Agenda 21 in practice
AuthorsGöll, Edgar; Nolting, Katrin; Rist, Claudia
Year of publication2004
Sustainable stock management of non-renewable scarce resources. Options for action and management instruments using the example of copper and lead
AuthorsErdmann, Lorenz; Handke, Volker; Klinski, Stefan; Behrendt, Siegfried; Scharp, Michael
Year of publication2004