
In the learning unit "Gender and diversity in energy consulting", the relevant aspects of general gender and diversity competences that future building energy consultants should know are discussed. In your later professional practice as a building energy consultant, you will have lively contact with a wide variety of clients. The English word "diversity" can be translated into German as "Vielfalt". Men, women, people with a migration background, young or older people - social characteristics and associated social patterns also characterise the expectations and situations in which energy consultants find themselves. "Diversity" refers positively to this diversity and different identities in the social composition, i.e. to the differences between individuals in terms of their social characteristics. The aim of the learning unit is to explain which aspects and forms of behaviour should be considered and are appropriate for people of different social backgrounds or social identities in energy consulting. The technical content of energy counselling and the counselling interview are not the subject of this learning unit. This learning unit is intended to provide you with tips for critical reflection. This learning unit is supplemented by the chapters "Advising older people" and "What not to do!" from the learning unit "My demeanour in customer meetings".

Scharp, Michael; Hackfort, Sarah K.
Fields of research

Education and Digital Media