Balancing and modelling of emission-relevant data on energy consumption in stationary sources
On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, the IZT has fundamentally revised the Excel model "Balance of Emission Causes" (BEU) for the reporting years 1995-2004. The BEU model differentiates the framework data of the energy balance according to sectoral and technological criteria as well as in fuel subgroups in order to obtain a finely disaggregated set of activity rates, which are then linked to technologically differentiated emission factors for greenhouse gases and other air pollutants in order to calculate emissions. The aim of this project was to critically examine the revision proposals from another research project, to implement them in the Excel model and to update the model for the years 1995 to 2004. The revision of the BEU model has been completed for the energy balance lines (EBZ) 11 (public thermal power plants (without CHP)), 12 (industrial thermal power plants), 15 (public CHP plants), 16 (district heating plants) and 40 (total energy consumption in the transformation sector). In energy balance line 60 (mining, quarrying and manufacturing industry as a whole), only the modelling of the use of waste and secondary fuels as well as process firing has been updated. For the rest of EBZ 60, content-related specifications and clarifications were still outstanding, which the Federal Environment Agency is having processed as part of other R&D projects. EBZ 66 (households) and 67 (trade, commerce, services and other consumers) are modelled outside the BEU model in the ZSE1 emissions database and were not the subject of this R&D project. In addition, the Excel model for creating a provisional energy balance for current reporting years ("household energy balance") was provisionally updated and revised. However, the calculation algorithms of the home energy balance model remain opaque and in need of fundamental revision. As a result, the Federal Environment Agency now has a clear and updatable set of calculation tools at its disposal to fulfil its reporting obligations in emissions reporting. The textual documentation and justification of the revised calculation algorithms themselves were not the subject of this R&D project. The BEU model (Chapter 1), building energy balance model (Chapter 2) and the data to be imported and deleted in the CSE (Chapter 3) are also available as Excel files in addition to this report.