
In Latin America, high global commodity prices favour a noticeable economic upswing that expands (socio-)political room for manoeuvre, but at the same time provokes new conflicts. This contradictoriness is the subject of diverse analyses and debates. With the aim of penetrating the history and present of socio-ecological issues, the volume discusses old and new development concepts such as "neo-extractivism" and "Buen Vivir", the role of state and non-state actors, concrete conflict dynamics as well as the relationship between environment and inequality. Thus, the book not only provides insights into current challenges in Latin America, but also starting points for understanding socio-ecological dynamics in the 21st century worldwide. With contributions by: Alberto Acosta, Elmar Altvater, Maria Backhouse, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, David Cortez, Martin Coy, Kristina Dietz, Georg Fischer, Barbara Göbel, Eduardo Gudynas, Sarah Hackfort, Stefan Schmalz, Maristella Svampa, Heike Wagner

Hackfort, Sarah K.; Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen