Cooperative roadmapping as an instrument of innovation-oriented resource policy
In: Making more from less. Strategies for a Sustainable Resource Policy in Germany.
The book contains the summarised results from the large-scale project "Material Efficiency and Resource Conservation" (MaRess). This is the most comprehensive German project to date on the topic of "Material and Resource Efficiency", carried out with 30 project partners on behalf of the UBA/BMU. In autumn 2011, the German government plans to adopt a resource policy programme for which MaRess has carried out the scientific groundwork.
From the content: What is resource policy and why is it necessary? Hybrid governance and GreenTech funds. Ecodesign Directive. Business-related instruments, innovation and market introduction. Resource-related key performance indicators. Finance for resource efficiency. Consumer and customer-related instruments. Options for action in everyday consumer life. Macroeconomic effects up to 2030. Roadmaps for strategic technology clusters. Recycling using the example of platinum group metals (PGM).