
Green is hope. You are still green. Green is the centre. Everyone wants to be green. Green technology. Green lungs of cities. Green is life. Green belts. Green energy. The green revolution. Green is where we drive. Green fuel. Green food. Green zones. Green everything. Green stuff. Green is the colour of the hour. Not poison green, but green. It almost always sounds like salvation, at least as a solution, at least as a harmonious horizon. Why is green the colour of the day, why does everything want to be green, and why are green itself and the green metaphor so successful? This coursebook does not announce a blue miracle, but traces the green revolution. With contributions by Peter Unfried, among others, who explains why Germany has no ecological party at all, and brand eins founder Wolf Lotter, who calls on the Greens to finally get over their backward-looking attitude. Cultural scientist Mareike Vennen ventures into some episodes of the natural history of the city and sociologist Irmhild Saake questions our reflexive behaviour towards animals.

Nassehi, Armin; Felixberger, Peter