
Recent technological developments characterising the mobility sector such as digitalisation, smart applications, location-based digital services etc., have been radically altering mobility patterns, with a great potential to improve users' transportation options and experiences. In spite of this fact, some groups - such as people with low levels of education or with low income, elderly people, rural inhabitants, migrants, disabled people etc. - may be vulnerable to exclusion. This paper analyses a foresight activity aimed at co-creating potential inclusive transport scenarios in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, involving key mobility actors. The results include three co-created future scenarios based on the metropolitan context, as well as a set of specific policy recommendation and strategies that can support political planning in the promotion of inclusive public transport models.

Lazzarini, Boris; Collosche, IngoRoca, Elisabet; Wybraniec, Bartosz; Garola, Àlvar ; Ortiz, Adrià; Vidal, Mercedes
Fields of research

Futurology and Transformation