
A large number of globally networked risk situations increase the threat of systemic crises. In Germany, a multi-layered system for early warning, risk assessment and crisis management has developed in recent decades, which has largely proved its worth in addressing singular and calculable risks. However, the classic mechanisms are no longer sufficient to adequately counter crises of a systemic nature and maintain the resilience of societies. The TAB study "Crisis radar - strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy through crisis forecasting" identifies the need for political action and makes proposals for better handling of systemic risks.

To the TAB study: Strengthening the resilience of society, politics and the economy through better crisis preparedness

Behrendt, Siegfried; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Collosche, IngoRevermann, Christoph; Sauter, Arnold; Sonk, Matthias; Thomas, Dirk; Uhl, André
Fields of research

Technology Assessment and Participation