Democratisation of social nature relations in the field of tension between politicisation and depoliticisation processes
In: Transformation. Search processes in times of upheaval
The volume focuses on the search for practical and theoretical breakthrough points and transition processes on the way to a socio-ecological and democratic-emancipatory transformation. The aim is to give the transformation discourse a new direction. It is obvious that the enormous - global, regional or local - upheavals that are taking place or are imminent must be conceptualised in such a way that intervening, formative practice is promoted. In any case, this applies to a socio-critical understanding or concept of transformation. This publication makes it clear that such a concept can be very heterogeneous and that divergent conceptual interpretations are "part of the matter"
Gottschlich, Daniela; Hackfort, Sarah K.Source information
Democratisation of social nature relations in the field of tension between politicisation and depoliticisation processes
BISS e.V. Volume 4
Transformation. Search processes in times of upheaval
Year of publication
LIT - Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna
Document type
Contribution In