
The success of a company depends crucially on how well it is able to recognise and fulfil the specific wishes of an individual customer. From the logistics strategist's point of view, it is not enough to simply demand new, resource-saving means of transport and develop efficient logistics organisations. Truly far-reaching and effective measures must be implemented well in advance. To this end, visions for new economic-ecological production organisations must be developed. - The visions represent the development results of changeable production networks that contribute to resolving the economic-ecological conflict of objectives. - They should be positive, i.e. desirable. - They should be able to become reality in about 20 years. - They should cover essential areas of future production and much more. The work has succeeded in describing coherent and comprehensible visions that set important milestones on the way to an ecological-economic production society.

Boucke, Ben; Deutsch, Oliver; Gaßner, Robert; Göll, Edgar; Oertel, Britta; Wollenberg, Anja
Fields of research

Communication and publicity, Technology Assessment and Participation